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background is green grass with 3 golden retriever puppy pictures a golden with a stuffed Kong toy a litter of Goldens nursing on mom a Golden laying down on a gray blanket

AKC Golden Retriever Breeder

Golden Retriever Inquiry Questionnaire

The purpose of our Golden Retriever Inquiry Questionnaire is to gain an indepth insight to our prospective puppy families. 

The first step is to approve you as a new puppy family.

The second step is, as a breeder, we do everything in our power to make sure our puppies and our puppy families are the best possible match for each other. We spend 8 plus weeks getting to know our puppies making us the best judges of their unique individualism.
We want and need to get to know you too!  

This questionnaire is typically our initial conversation in learning about you and the first step in working to approve you as a puppy owner.

Thank you for your time and patience!

Golden Retriever Inquiry Questionnaire

Check if the Primary Phone Number is capable of receiving text messages.
Check if the Secondary Phone Number is capable of receiving text messages.
Have you read over this website including the Golden Retriever Puppy page?(Required)
Do you understand the difference between AKC Limited Registration and AKC Full Registration? (Refer to
Is your backyard completely fenced in?
Currently, do you have any animals? If so, please state name, species, breed, and age of each. This information is helpful when completing your vet reference check as well as determining placement for puppies.

It is very important for us to screen potential families. All Devanley puppies/dogs are placed in pre-approved homes only with a non-breeding contract with AKC Limited Registration.

Devanley Labradors matches puppies to their families. We take into account your life style, family make up including children, grandchildren and other animals with the home, your plans for the puppy, your wishes based on color and sex, etc.

We know our puppies best. This creates a win-win situation for our puppies and happy families. We do not allow buyers to pick their puppies.

Once you are approved, Devanley will provide you with references.

Please remember to call ahead to your vet’s office to grant permission to release information.